What Can I do As A Consumer To Protect Myself And My Family From Mortgage Closing Fraud

As a consumer, it is incumbent upon you and your family to make sure that the attorney, title company, notary, and escrow officer involved in your loan transaction are properly incorporated, licensed, insured, and using internal controls to protect your sensitive personal and financial information. You should also make sure there are no red flags in their background due to civil and criminal litigation, liens and judgments, or other potential issues that could foreshadow potential fraudulent activity.  Taking on this complex task can be overwhelming and financially impossible for most people. 

At Secure Insight we do the heavy lifting for you, conducting the searches, monitoring changes, and assigning each company and professional a risk rating of low, caution, or high.  Our reports give you comfort in the most emotional and probably the largest financial transaction you will ever experience.  Ask for the Secure Insight rating of your attorney, title company, notary, or escrow agent.  Get their report. Make an informed decision.